Hola a tod@s y bienvenid@s de nuevo a un blog sobre Spanish Question Words. First of all, the interrogative sentences in Spanish, as in all languages, are very important. These interrogative sentences are of various kinds and we will explain them below.
When do we use an interrogative sentence? Obviously, interrogative sentences are mainly used to obtain information that we do not know. However, the way to ask for this information may vary. Normally, these sentences are introduced by a question word. These interrogative words are the ones that we are going to know next. Interrogative sentences can be total or partial.
- Total interrogative sentences, also closed questions, do not have to use interrogative words and are written between question marks. Therefore, the answer to these questions is usually Yes or No.
Example:  – ¿Tu madre está en casa? (Is your mother at home?)
– No, mi madre está en el trabajo. (No, my mother is at work.)
- Partial interrogative sentences, also open questions, use interrogative words and are written between question marks.
Example:  – ¿Dónde está tu madre? (Where is your mother?)
– Mi madre está en el trabajo. (My mother is at work.)
In conclusion, interrogative words are words that introduce partial and direct interrogative sentences. Normally these sentences are written between question marks at the beginning and at the end of the sentence. Furthermore these words are always accentuated.
There are various interrogative words, in addition, these words can be combined with pronouns and with this combination new interrogative structures emerge. However, in this post we are going to see the most important and most used Spanish Question Words.
Main Spanish Question Words.
¿Cómo? Ask for the way
¿Cómo estás?  (How are you?)
¿Cómo se hace?  (How is it done?)
¿Cómo os conocisteis?  (How did you meet?)
¿Cómo lo sabes?  (How do you know?)
¿Cuál / es? Ask for a choice
¿Cuál es tu favorito? (What is your favorite?)
¿Cuál me queda mejor? (Which one suits me best?)
¿Cuál es la lengua oficial de tu paÃs? (What is the official language of your country?)
¿Cuáles son las joyas robadas? (What are the stolen jewels?)
¿Cuándo? Ask for time
¿Cuándo es el viaje?  (When is the travel?)
¿Cuándo vienes?  (When are you coming?)
¿Cuándo es la reunión?  (When is the meeting?)
¿Cuándo sales del trabajo?  (When do you leave work?)
¿Cuánto? / ¿Cuántos / as? Ask for quantity
¿Cuánto cuesta el helado?  (How much does the icecream cost?)
¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?)
¿Cuántas entradas has comprado? (How many tickets did you buy?)
¿Cuánta bebida hay?  (How much drink are there?)
¿Dónde? Ask for place or location
¿Dónde es la cita?  (Where is the date?)
¿Dónde estás?  (Where are you?)
¿Dónde está la Plaza de España?  (Where is the Spain Square?)
¿Dónde está tu profesora?   (Where’s your teacher?)
¿Qué? Ask for a subject (if not a person) or an action
¿Qué es eso? (What is that?)
¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)
¿Qué tienes en la mochila? (What do you have in your backpack?)
¿Qué hay aqu�  (What is here?)
¿Quién? Ask for person or people
¿Quién es el director?  (Who is the CEO?)
¿Quién es el escritor?  (Who is the writer?)
¿Quién viene?  (Who is coming?)
¿Quién es el ganador?  (Who is the winner?)