Hola a tod@s y bienvenid@s de nuevo a un blog sobre Custom Spanish Words for Skribbl.io. Firstly, there are many ways to learn or improve our level of Spanish. Obviously, studying is very important, but not everything can be studying.
Game-Based Learning (GBL) consists of the use of games such as vehicles and tools to support learning, assimilation or evaluation of knowledge. It is an innovative methodology that offers both, students and teachers, a different and practical educational experience. consequently, that experience can be applied to a subject or topic or integrate various contents. It is obvious that this fantastic methodology cannot be used by itself. But it is a wonderful educational complement that any Spanish student can use at home or wherever they are.
What are the best games to learn Spanish?
There are many different games that we can use to practice Spanish. For example, there are from traditional games like «Memory» to the most innovative. The most innovative games use new technologies and are a lot of fun.
For example, Skribbl.io. Skribbl.io This io game is in drawing & guessing style. In this game you have 80 seconds to choose a word and draw it, you can change the color of the board or the coloring elements. Meanwhile, the other players must guess what it is by writing it in the chat. When another player is drawing, you must guess the word or words and thus you will earn more points. But remember that you have to be the fastest, or the other players will get more points than you! You can play Skribbl.io on TusJuegos.io. Certainly, the best io games website, where you will find the most fun io games.
Custom Spanish Words for Skribbl.io.
First of all, to play this game you need thematic lists of words in Spanish. In this way, playing will be much easier and more fun.
Muebles (Furniture). For example: Sillón, Estantería, Silla, Mesa, Sofá, Chimenea, Espejo, Bañera, Lavabo, Inodoro, Alfombra, Grifo, Ducha, Bidé, Armario, Aparador, Reloj de pared, Botiquín, Mesilla de noche, Cama.
Electrodomésticos (Home appliances). For example: Báscula, Frigorífico, Congelador, Nevera, Microondas, Lavavajillas, Cafetera, Horno, Batidora, Lavadora, Secadora, Tostadora, Secador de pelo, Estufa, Aspiradora, Plancha, Freidora, Corta césped, Timbre, Lámpara.
Utensilios de cocina (Cookware). For example: Cuchara, Cuchillo, Tenedor, Cucharilla, Pinzas, Tenazas, Olla, Sartén, Ensaladera, Pelador, Batidora, Espátula, Cacerola, Tabla de cortar, Rallador, Bol, Colador, Salero, Cazo.
Frutas (Fruits). For example: Pera, Manzana, Fresa, Melón, Sandía, Plátano, Limón, Mango, Naranja, Uva, Piña, Kiwi, Frambuesa, Coco, Aguacate, Pomelo, Mora, Melocotón, Cereza, Arándano.
Verbos (Verbs). For example: Correr, Andar, Gritar, Reír, Jugar, Dormir, Comer, Cenar, Desayunar, Viajar, Volar, Escribir, Estudiar, Hablar,Cortar, Casarse, Pelear, Comprar, Trabajar, Beber.
Ropa y complementos (Clothes and accessories). For example: Camisa, Anillo, Pantalón, Zapatos, Abrigo, Vaqueros, Calcetines, Bragas, Collar, Calzoncillos, Calcetines, Chaqueta, Gorro, Sujetador, Guantes, Gafas, Camiseta, Reloj, Pulsera, Bufanda.
Some of the advantages of Game-Based Learning (GBL) are: 1. Motivate the student. One of the main advantages of the GBL is its ability to capture the attention of the students. Therefore, since it provides them with an environment that they like, they enjoy and they find it very motivating. 2. It helps to reason and be autonomous. The game presents the student with situations in which he must reflect and make the appropriate decisions, resolve mistakes and recover from defeats. 3. Allows active learning. GBL learning gives the possibility to exercise knowledge in a practical way. 4. Give the student control of their learning. Through play, the child or adolescent achieves instant feedback regarding their knowledge of a subject or subject.
5. Provide useful information to the teacher. In addition to the result and the overcoming or not of the game. Also the choices made by the student. 6. Power creativity and imagination. The game also implies freedom of improvisation and the ability to imagine solutions to each challenge, which contributes to opening the student’s mind and perception of the world. 7. Promote social skills. Game-based learning is perfect for collaborative learning. Therefore, with this practice the child interacts and works on emotional education, communication, dialogue and leadership skills, collaboration for a common goal, self-control or sportsmanship. 8. Contribute to digital literacy. If you choose to use online games, video games or recreational applications, you will not only be taking advantage of the benefits of the game. However you will also be adding the benefits of applying ICT in the classroom.
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